Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Thursday, April 10 – Day 115

Of all the people that I’ve talked to over the last three months, very few have a good impression of Santiago. Most of them say its’ just another big city with a lot of noise and pollution. And that’s pretty true. It lacks the character of Buenos Aires’s neoclassical buildings, it doesn’t have all the nice street-corner cafés, and the people don’t tend to dress or carry themselves as well as the Portenos.

It’s seems to be a much more prosperous city, though. The cars are nicer, the buildings are much newer and nicer, and it’s not a cheap place. I had a great fish dinner and a couple glasses of wine the other night, but it cost me about US$50.00 – Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!

My only real complaint is that they don’t seem to have much concern for their coffee drinks. Most places serve instant coffee. Or even worse, instant coffee with lots of sugar. Yuck! The one thing that kind of makes up for this is that they have these cool coffee bars downtown. They’re small and don’t have chairs, but there is a foot-wide bar that sort of surrounds the coffee equipment and service area, which is in the middle of the room and elevated about a foot above floor-level. They have hot chicks in mini-skirts selling the coffee, and this concept seems to work rather well.

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