Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Argentine Side of Iguazu

Monday, Mar 3 – Day 77

John decided to do the visa thing because they can turn it around in a day and they don’t need as much paperwork. After he dropped off his stuff, we took a cab to the Argentine side of the falls. From here, you are up close and personal with the water. The views aren’t as inspiring, but you can certainly feel the power of the falls.

I did an excursion that puts you in a zodiac boat, drives around for a while to give you some good views, and then actually drives you into the falls. Seriously. They drive into the falls in two places. The water comes down so hard, that you are blinded in a white-out from all the water. No tour company in the US would ever try this, but I’ll bet that no jury in Argentina would ever find the operator at fault. You get completely soaked, which was OK by me because the weather was hot, and the water really felt good. On the other hand, my camera is now sputtering a bit, and the zoom feature only works sporadically. Oh well, I’d already broken the LCD screen in France back in October, so I was going to consider it a victory if this camera even made it home.

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